
The Story

A backup scenario but worked out as d classiest of all:
Chaipatty Whitefield
26th Nov 2011

Somewhere, we were concerned about the main Teafe at Indiranagar doing well and Koramangala not coming close to the success we were charting at Indiranagar. This was coupled with the usual harrassment at the hands of civic agencies at Indiranagar and ofcourse, a rather difficult landlord - we were constantly on the verge of moving out from the existing property. Then came a friend who was so sold on the model that he wished to invest in a franchise but in Bangalore itself and the only area that came to my mind now was Whitefield. I had so many existing customers coming almost twice a week to our Indiranagar outlet all the way from Whitefield that we felt opening one in that area was definitely worth the effort (Also knowing the lack of good hangout options there).

So along with my friend, we went to do a small round up of the area and thats when we came across this place. We met the owner and set up a later date to meet. Within a few days, the friend got busy with other work. Seeing his busy schedule, somewhere the interest to do things together started to go down. I then took matters in my own hands and went and saw the place and even struck a deal on my own. The next visit I made was with my Dad, who is the main believer-cum-investor in all that I do. He is an Army officer and whatever little he can squeeze out after thorough contemplation, he does so without a doubt. So in August end the place was ours and had to be handed over after a little makeup in about a month and a half's time. We got it by end October and though we tried our best, we could only open shop by end November. Very recently we finished doing up the place with Wall art and stuff and it still has some isty-bitsy stuff left to do. But out and out, it is almost the size of the Indiranagar outlet with plush furniture like Koramangala and is more loungish if you ask me.